Yoga & Mindfulness

Yoga for the Tatas – A Breast Beneficial Practice

“I must, I must, I must increase my bust.” If you were ever a fan of the work of Judy Blume, that quote from “Are you there God, It’s me Margaret” may bring a flood of memories from your youth, particularly ones of wanting a more voluptuous bustline. In those days, I was aptly referred to as a pirates treasure, sunken chest. Although this was adolescence teasing, and a little untrue, I never realized how fortunate I was at the time. After spending the last 20 years in a bra everyday single day, just waiting for the moment to return home and rip that baby off, I long for the days of bralessness I once knew. For me, I would have to wait many more years and endure pregnancy to have what I felt where just the right breast for me. The thing is as I was finally getting it right, I started to worry that gravity would rob me of my perfect (to me) breast before I had long enough to enjoy them. Little did I know that in all the years I had been doing yoga, I had been raising, growing, and strengthen the muscles in my breast in the best possible way. I am a strong believer in yoga and all its benefits. Here is one more reason why ladies, young and old, full and voluptuous or itty-bitty, teenie-weennie, should add yoga to the regular routine of life. Not convinced yoga will do the trick? Try it yourself. Below is a sequence of poses that have been touted as breast beneficial.

Upward Facing Dog – Urdha Mukha Svanasana

Photo by theformfitness on

Warrior I – Virabradrasana

action adult athletic backlit
Photo by Pixabay on

One-Legged King Pigeon – Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

woman doing yoga on round purple yoga mat
Photo by theformfitness on

Camel – Ustrasana

Cow Face Pose – Gomukhasana

back view photo of a woman sitting near body of water doing yoga
Photo by Lucas Pezeta on

Tree Pose – Vrksasana

woman balancing with right foot
Photo by theformfitness on

Bow Pose – Dhanurasana

Easy Pose – Sukhasana

Photo by Valeria Ushakova on

Among all of these poses, I found this last one to be the best way to end this post. This is my breast enhancing version of easy pose or sukhasana.

  • Sit in easy pose.
  • Bring your palms together at heart center in Anjali Mudra.
  • Push the palms together while lifting the chest muscles.
  • Silently to yourself chant “I must, I must, I must increase my bust” repeating several times.
  • Smile and remember the power of intention.

I am now certain that Judy Blume, or the characters portrayed in her books were like me, avid yogis themselves!

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